Middle School Students have lunch with Hill staffer and meet with Senator Chris Murphy
Reach for the Stars!
Become a Star in Your Community and Make a Difference
Students interested in a particular career get an opportunity to meet with someone in that field over lunch and learn more about that career. Students have the opportunity to learn about day-to-day operations, how someone became interested in the career, best schools to attend, and get specific questions answered. Unlike the Speaker Series, this program is typically held near a Star's place of work and will have no more than 8 students.
Many high school seniors enter into college with specific career goals in mind just to later realize that it was not what they thought it would be. Some don't even choose a major until their junior year, leaving little to no wiggle room to change majors and graduate on time if they decide the career they've chosen wasn't the best fit. Lunch with the Stars gives a unique opportunity for youth to spend time with a professional in a career in which they have interest prior to going down a similar path.