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Have an Elementary, Middle, or High School in mind that may be interested in Community ONE? We'd love to hear from you! Once your campus has decided to partner with us, one of our team members will work with you to on pricing, schedules, and impact goals. We accept all types of campuses - schools, after school programs, camps, homeless shelters, etc. We are currently only serving students in the DC Metropolitan area.
Speaker Series
In a classroom setting, professionals (referred to as 'stars'), come and speak about their career. Unlike a typical Career Day this is very interactive and gets students out of their seats to and allows them to learn by playing. This session focuses on the career, challenges faced and how they overcame them, available resources, required education, positive decision making, inspirational words of wisdom, and a context and real application to what they learn in school today.
Lunch with a Star
Students interested in a particular career get an opportunity to meet with someone in that field over lunch and learn more about that career. Students have the opportunity to learn about day-to-day operations, how someone became interested in the career, best schools to attend, and get specific questions answered. Unlike the Speaker Series, this program is typically held near a Star's place of work and will have no more than 8 students.
In Action
We work with a campus to identify 12 students that will travel with us once a month to different businesses to meet with top executives. Students first hear from our Stars then play "Junior Advisors" and are given a set of challenges facing the industry or the Star and have to formulate and present ideas to solve current problems. Our executives ask tough questions and this program builds teamwork, problem solving, and public speaking all while introducing students to careers not seen in their neighborhoods.